[ENGLISH] Enemy and movement guide

Every enemy in "Five Nights: Aerscam Mansion" has a different attack pattern.

You can unlock this information after finishing Nightmare Mode (Night 6), or read it here if you prefer so.

01 - ???

"Scare him and he'll go away, but not for too long."

01 - Panic

Appears every night.

Visits rooms 06, 04, 02, 09, and the Observation Zone Right Hall.

Panic's movement is random at the start. At higher aggressiveness levels he'll take less detours and move faster. When you hear his breath or see him in the right hall, use the lamp and he might go away. Otherwise, he will start a fear scene.

02 - ???

"Scare him and he'll go away, but not for too long."

02 - Corpse

Appears every night.

Visits rooms 05, 03, 01, 07, and the Observation Zone Left Hall.

Corpse's movement is random at the start. At higher aggressiveness levels he'll take less detours and move faster. When you hear his breath or see him in the left hall, use the lamp and he might go away. Otherwise, he will start a fear scene.

03 - ???

"When he finds you, don't try to find him."

03 - Paranoia

Appears on nights 2 to 6.

Visits rooms 07, 01, 08, 12, and the Observation Zone Ceiling.

Paranoia's movement is random if his aggressiveness is under five, otherwise, he'll follow a fixed pattern to reach you. When he reaches and darkens your room, don't use the artifact until he goes away, or he will kill you instantly.

04 - ???

"Feeling scared will make her attack."

04 - Anxiety

Appears on nights 3 to 6.

Visits rooms 08, 07, 05, 03, 01 and the Observation Zone Left Hall.

Has a fast and fixed movement route. When she reaches the left hall, indicated by loud, distorted footsteps, don't use the lamp on her and don't use the artifact at all: wait for her to go away. Otherwise, either a fear scene will occur or she will instantly kill you.

05 - ???

"Feeling scared will make him attack."

05 - Scream

Appears on nights 3 to 6.

Visits rooms 11, 10, 09, 02 and the Observation Zone Right Hall.

Has a slow and fixed movement route. When he reaches the right hall, indicated by loud, distorted footsteps, don't use the lamp on him and don't use the artifact at all: wait for him to go away. Otherwise, either a fear scene will occur or he will instantly kill you.

06 - ???

"Observed, they'll wait. Forgotten, they'll attack."

06 - Specter

Appears on nights 4 to 6.

Visits rooms 09, 10 and 12.

Observe them with the artifact for a while: this will make them scream and retreat to room 09. If you ignore them for too long, they'll eventually reach the Observation Zone, and instantly kill you. They can kill even if you're under the attack of another enemy.

07 - ???

"His soul screams, searches for what was his. Suffers."

07 - Illusion

Appears on nights 5 to 6.

Visits room 12, corrupts rooms 01, 02 and 13.

When he "comes back", determined by his aggressiveness level, check room 12 immediately to make him disappear. Do not check rooms 13, 01 or 02, otherwise he'll make the artifact useless. You won't have too much time to stop him from killing you.

Full Movement Guide (includes all enemies)

Aggressiveness Table (includes all enemies)

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