[ENGLISH] Characters and planned features


This story takes place during September 2017.


Jennifer Conner
Age: 17
Born: February 15, 2000
Height: 5'5" (1,65 m)
Weight: 112 lb (51 kg)
Occupation: High school student (Senior year)

A girl who considers herself dull and lazy. Ever since her first “vision”, she’s been trying to help everyone as much as she can with the use of her powers, however, she always ends up making things worse.
Her father died in a car accident, her workaholic mother doesn’t treat her very well, and most of her former classmates have stopped talking to her since she changed schools. It seems that the only person she can trust is her best friend, Megan, but Jennifer's insecurity and fear of being called crazy has made her isolate herself from everyone.

Megan Allen
Age: 18
Born: May 22, 1999
Height: 5'10" (1,78 m)
Weight: 172 lb (78 kg)
Occupation: High school student (Senior year)

Jennifer’s neighbor and friend since childhood. Over the last year, Megan has started to feel like Jenn doesn’t value their friendship at all, and due to being constantly ignored, she’s lost her trust in her. Her biggest wish is to regain the friendship they had.
Megan is very intelligent, though she tends to jump to conclusions and gets easily scared by anything. She spends most of her time studying, reading or doing school assignments with her group of friends. She doesn’t believe in paranormal stuff, such as premonitions.

Marcia Hopkins
Age: 19
Born: July 7, 1998
Height: 5'7" (1,71 m)
Weight: 138 lb (63 kg)
Occupation: High school graduate

A serious and determined girl born in East Beach City, who recently moved to Whitefields along with her father. Marcia lost her mother when she was a child, and up to this day, she tries to keep the promise she made to her: To become a strong person and help everyone in need.
After finishing high school, she decided to take a gap year to decide her career. She currently has a part-time job at Whitefields Market and goes to East Beach City every now and then to hang out with her friends and visit her mother’s grave.

Stephen Campbell
Age: 28
Born: September 30, 1988
Height: 5'8" (1,76 m)
Weight: 180 lb (82 kg)
Occupation: Detective

A talented detective with an introverted personality. His biggest passion is to bring justice to the victims of horrible crimes, due to him witnessing a terrible tragedy during his childhood. He was born in the northern town of Olive Lake, where he met his wife Marianne. Both of them moved to Whitefields one year ago, in search of better job opportunities. However, Stephen feels disgusted by the majority of his new workmates at the local police station.

Marianne Campbell (née Willows)
Age: 29
Born: June 24, 1988
Height: 5'9" (1,77 m)
Weight: 152 lb (69 kg)
Occupation: News Anchor

Admired news anchor of the local TV channel "Whitefields Frequency". A professional in her area who always ensures the news shown are thoroughly investigated by her workmates, though she usually sacrifices her own spare time to make sure of that. Unlike Stephen, she gets along well with her colleagues. However, it's no secret that Marianne wants a better paying job in another city.

The twisted one
He wishes to see her again. He wishes to bring her home. Everything will be just like it used to be.
“No one will stop me. No one will separate us again. I won’t let them do that.”

The missing one
She wishes for a normal life. She wishes to be in a happy family. Someday, everything will be better.
“I want to smile again. I want this to end. I want her to find me.”


Planned Features

Improved Scenes:
Some of the scenes that are already available in the demo (including the prologue and Jennifer's first premonition) will be improved. New choices will appear too.
Skipping Scenes:
You'll be able to skip the scenes that you've already seen in the game. That way, you won't have to read the same dialogue or watch the same events multiple times in case you're trying to get all the possible endings.
Return Points:
"Precognition" takes place over the course of several days. A "return point" allows you to go back to the start of your current day. This makes it easier to make progress, as you will not have to replay the entire prologue, first scenes, days or most of the game in case you want to achieve an specific ending. You're only allowed to have 1 return point per save file, and it gets overwritten every time you finish a day.
A more complete Whitefields:
In the current demo, most buildings are inaccessible. Some locations like Whitefields Supermarket, the Police Station or some of your neighbors' houses will be new additions for the final version, and some of these locations will be important or relevant to the plot.
Also, the current demo features about fifty NPCs without any role at all except hints and casual dialogue. I expect to increase that number and give NPCs more relevance (read below) to make the town feel less empty.
Helping people:
Aside from the main objective of the game, you'll be able to help people from Whitefields.
The rewards will be new information, new scenes or even collectibles.
Multiple playable characters:
Aside from Jennifer, you'll be able to play as Megan or Marcia during certain parts of the game.
More menu options:
In the full game, the menu will have more options available:
-A character menu, that will allow you to read more info. about the main characters.
-A map menu that shows Whitefields and helps you locate certain points in the town.
-A sidequest menu that shows the people you've helped during the game, and the info./collectibles you've earned during your playthrough.

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